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Not Another Mary

Driving home at sunrise

Just in time for work

She says she's not another Mary

This is not another virgin birth


Not another Mary

She wears an all night wrinkled skirt

Not another Mary

She's just in time for work


Last night he told her that he loved her

Something she already knew

It was something that she wanted

But she could not say I love you too

I love you too

She thinks man this sky it's blue

So he finally said I love you

She could not say I love you too


Well who knows what to say?

Or what to do?

Sun so red

Sky so blue

Sun so red

Sky so blue

She could not say

I love you too


Oh she's driving home at sunrise

It's just in time for work

She says she's not another Mary

This is not another virgin birth

Not another Mary

She wears an all night wrinkled skirt

Not another Mary

It's not another virgin birth


Not another Mary

It's not another virgin birth


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