Memorial Day 2020
Party On! it is Memorial Day.
The un official start of summer. Sunburn, jet skies, cases of beer. Even in a quarantine.
Memorial Day started with decorating the graves of soldiers. I think the history is sketchy and sort of made to fit the narrative of honoring the brave soldiers- morphing into platitudes about war dead then a hearty party on. It is like when people sit though the national anthem at a cowboys game with their hands sort of over their heart or over a lung or a kidney then start cheering for the real show- the game- the party.
However and but and but and however- I have two uncles killed in conflict. One in a training accident in the 2nd World War and another killed in Korea after stepping on a land mine in '52.
It is difficult to describe how grief ripples and expands through families after a soldiers death. It is almost as if that hurt, that violent act, is never put to rest. Ever.
Exploration of red with music and blue. in Acrylic. For Memorial Day 2020.